Eye on TextMate Bundles
Luke Daley took initiative to have FishEye index the TextMate Bundles repository.
A neat thing about FishEye (in addition to the “lines of code”-graph shown below) is that it allows per-folder RSS feeds.
We have always offered a repository-wide RSS feed but if you only want to follow changes done to the LaTeX bundle then you can subscribe to just that. Go to the TextMate Bundles listing and click the bundle you are interested in to see the history of that bundle. In the “Recent Changelog” box (to the left) is an RSS link in the upper right corner.
On the topic of data mining the TextMate bundles repository, ohloh.net estimates that it costs more than a million dollars to hire a team to create the code in the repository (and their KLOC count seems to be only one fifth of what FishEye finds).
Another service we have been using to keep track of our commits is CIA.vc. This was motivated by their useful IRC bot that used to echo the commits to the #textmate IRC channel (their service has been having some problems lately).