Happy Halloween
Just to give credit where credit is due, the Halloween icon and HTML output theme (for commands) was done by Soryu and the cobweb by Jacob Rus. They also came up with this thing in the first place, I just followed along :)
Even though TextMate is not the first program to have a Halloween theme, the reactions were great, with dozens of images depicting it on Flickr and I got a lot of letters asking how to keep the theme after Halloween is over.
As Duane Johnson notes, some reactions though were also a little unexpected. The first letter I got about it asked if it was a virus, I got a handful of “how do I remove it”, most of those though seemed to not realize it is just a halloween special, and one actually found this theme offensive — not sure if I should mention that I am from the country behind the satirical Muhammad drawings :p
Anyway, happy halloween to all, even if you do not celebrate pagan festivals (which we actually do not in Denmark)!
2006-11-02: Halloween is over, but for those who liked the icon Soryu made it available for download. The cobweb is here. Save it under ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate
(yes, TM supports loading the splash screen from outside the application bundle). If you want to have the scaling disabled (works better for this image) then run:
defaults write com.macromates.textmate \
OakProjectControllerDisableSplashImageScaling 1